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Me! Cleaner!

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“Aqui, este é o seu salário desta semana.”

Depois de levantar a mão para entregar uma pequena sacola, a mulher com as pernas cruzadas atrás da mesa marcou uma linha no pequeno caderno, depois acenou com a mão sem olhar para cima e disse:

“Lembre-se de declarar seus impostos… próximo!”


Depois de tirar as moedas do pequeno saco, olhando para as oito moedas grandes e uma pequena na palma da mão, um total de nove moedas sujas, Li Ang não pôde deixar de arregalar os olhos em estado de choque, desejando poder atacar sobre ela e lute com ela até a morte no local.

“Droga! Acabei de repelir o deus do mal que tentou erodir o mundo nesta terça-feira! Seu desgraçado, você quer até descontar o salário do salvador?”

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:MC
Título Original:我!清理员!
Autor:fish prison
Weekly Rank:#1490
Monthly Rank:#442
All Time Rank:#10073
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4 vote(s)

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7 comentários sobre “Me! Cleaner!
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  1. Soo this is oot from the novel, but Im searching for a pretty average novel. Its about sect building, the mc can open portal to another world and the more world he conquered the more powerful he became? Im not too sure if its because of that or he need to go to another world to understand their cultivation system and then incorporate it into his. The world where those worlds settled are called sea something. The world also include some world from other fiction like shrouding the heaven and more.

  2. The mc also takes those worlds mcs as disciple, the novel revolves around sect building and development

  3. The mc can go to another world through his bldy. Hes the creator of said world and need to create it and then dominate it. Through this he created worlds like Yang God, Perfect World, Shrouding The Heavens and more

  4. Im sure, the world he started is an original world. Where cultivation is the main system. Its just that his cultivation method is unique and requires him to open worlds inside his body.

  5. The title is Martial Mythology, 😭😭 I’ve searched entire xuanhuan and fantasy genre, hundreds of pages and then into 2 years worth of chrome history. Damn it

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