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Black Technology Live Room

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A ciência é uma espécie de espírito e um meio, e é o método mais direto e a maneira mais simples de buscar a verdade. Ciência e tecnologia são o poder do desenvolvimento científico que é gradualmente dominado e muda o mundo.

Fusão nuclear controlada, inteligência artificial forte, comunicação de informações quânticas, tecnologia de realidade virtual... tudo isso pode facilmente derrubar o mundo.

- Descrição do uukanshu


Título Curto:BTLR
Título Original:黑科技直播间
Autor:Half-volume Stub
Weekly Rank:#5075
Monthly Rank:#4865
All Time Rank:#3030
Tag:Artificial Intelligence, Hard-Working Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Nationalism, Outer Space, Racism, Ruthless Protagonist, Scientists, Spaceship, System, Technological Gap,
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  1. the fact that the author just assumed his own country would be okay with the MC creating super AI out of control that caused probably tens of thousands of deaths in Japan in retaliation for a japanese cyber attack that only paralyzed the net is ridiculous, just because he rushed over to finish just the AI core code and left it evolve unattended due to not wanting china to lose hundreds of millions of yuan's is baffling since destroying so ruthlessly all aspects of Japan would also damage China's economy just from the proximity for starters, in real life MC would be strong armed to destroy A1 asap, and would be deemed as a dangerous person, the more stupid consequence of this whole situation is that every human being alive will be ultra wary of developing AI just for the idiotic MC's way of handling the situation, that A1 didn't rebelled and pushed the nuclear button is just the author's Deus ex machina, making A1 recognize itself as a chinese pfttt

  2. May someone know this novel where our mc leave china to create his own power in other countries?? And he can get materials with the soils he excavate with his AI.. and he built in underground full of quantum computer... And i remember that he create his own anti satellite with soil or debris from the sky.. that's all i remember..

  3. I enjoyed it though but I have to drop it half way it was getting bored and it was still repeating again and again....but it still a good novel rated 3/5

  4. Overall, a read if you're bored. The early chapters are more developed, then it starts to just get repetitive at the end.

  5. Chapter 73, his panel has 150 Wisdom. Didn't he faint after reaching 150 wisdom, then after waking up added one more wisdom to verify that the symptoms were caused by adding points to wisdom? He should have been at 151. This, happens a lot with these novels.

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