O mundo começou o dia do juízo final, e eu lutei por um ano, antes de morrer sob as garras de uma fera encantada. O céu me deu outra chance, um dia antes do fim acontecer. Serei capaz de mudar meu destino e o de meus entes queridos? Agora, vou começar minha jornada para me tornar o mais forte do planeta que os Deuses transformaram em um mundo de jogo.
- Descrição do Novelupdates
Título Curto | : | |
Título Original | : | 末日領主 |
Status | : | Completed |
Autor | : | Wishing For A Pillow To Sleep With |
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~ End this testimonial 2019-09-25 05:12:09 Chapter 856 season finale 2019-09-25 05:12:07 Chapter 855 The magical use of psionic stone 2019-09-25 05:12:05 Chapter 854 Wolverine 2019-09-25 05:12:04 Chapter 853 Scared 2019-09-25 05:12:02
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Chp 684. Its feel refreshing how author knowledge about national (chinese) geograpy. Its feel detailed and neat and its can be cross refrence using google map. (Starting town is xiangyan, Hubai. Fyi) but the shit come out when its time to international map. I think author is just lazy ass to open vpn and use google map instead of baidu or whatever. Now i am prety sure avarage chinese people is suck at international geograpy like toad in the well. (And i myself actualy blind to chinese region name. But well... There is google map, even tough i cant remember the name after 3 seccond, its chinese cing cong who can remember it?, :v bah... But there ia google map + a little brain juice to reverse the word order like 'hubei' and 'beihu'.)
Admin, lightnovel Doom Lord Vol 2 Chapter 389: Countermeasures same with previuse chapter, please correct it
Admin, lightnovel Doom Lord Vol 2 Chapter 357: Crazy clearance does not exist, please correct it
Ni bien ni mal, misericordioso trata de apoyar a todos base su propia seguridad, le falta liderazgo y ambición, se me hizo aburrida en mis gustos
El cap 190 y 191 se repiten por favor arreglar