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Elf Leader

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Quando Ye Li acordou, sua mãe disse que ele havia lhe enviado um dragão rápido.

Um mundo de jogo apareceu no banheiro e, ao mesmo tempo, o mundo real era diferente, com elfos e várias lendas de feras míticas por toda parte.

Quando Ye Li descobriu que as coisas no mundo do jogo poderiam se tornar realidade, um poderoso treinador e cultivador de dragões apareceu.

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:EL
Título Original:小精灵盟主
Autor:Shangguan Daniel
Weekly Rank:#8396
Monthly Rank:#8578
All Time Rank:#6332
Tag:Alternate World, Beast Companions, Cheats, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Game Elements, Male Protagonist, Modern World, Naive Protagonist, Pokemon, Poor to Rich, Special Abilities, System,
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  1. Here's a tip if you want to know what Pokemon they're talking about: Search up Bulbapedia's list of Chinese Pokemon names, then use your browser automatic translation feature to set it to your language. It will show the Chinese names like they are in the MTL. It might take awhile for it to load all the names, it takes a few minutes for my phone. Then you can use Ctrl+F to look for the name in the list, and you'll usually be able to find it. After that just match the name with the pokemon sprite. ✌️

  2. I like pokemon..but the author names of the pokemon are too confusing for me sorry....

  3. Well that how chinese novel works They will change english and japan name into their own chinese name at that seriously ruin the novel but honestly this novel are good for chinese people to read... For others go to comrademao to read this novel

  4. There was nothing in there 🤣 I already read all the Pokemon fanfic in comrademao.

  5. I hate it yes I understand the part where his ruthless to his enemies but basically locking them up and torturing them? Doesn't stand well with me I would rather he kill them directly and he still has that great guy act psh he's more rubbish than my trash can

  6. do you know how to login in this without chinese language problem

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