Depois de entrar no mundo da fantasia, Chu Xu percebeu que havia se tornado um Zhongzhou Tianjiao, cujo nome se espalhou por todo o mundo!
No entanto, quando ele contou, descobriu que ele e o filho da sorte tinham uma rivalidade sangrenta... Então ele se transformou em um vilão?
Mas na verdade existe um sistema de vilão, Chu Xu não entrou em pânico.
Parece que nessa vida só dá pra ser vilão!
Ei, pense bem, ainda é um pouco sensacional?
- Descrição do MTLNovels
Título Curto | : | TVH |
Título Original | : | 玄幻:反派大枭雄 |
Status | : | Dropped |
Autor | : | Lieutenant Tiance |
Capítulos Recentes
Chapter 1011 2021-07-20 13:33:04 Chapter 1010 2021-07-20 13:33:03 Chapter 1009 2021-07-20 13:33:02 Chapter 1008 2021-07-20 13:33:01 Chapter 1007 2021-07-20 13:32:59
Todos os capítulos
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1011
Avaliações (103)
103 vote(s)
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asli ceritanya seru, busuk ya cuman yang udh di ceritain gitu di ulang ulang terus sampe bosen. Goblok wkwkwk
best novel penjahat(protagonis) dari sekian yang gue banyak baca type novel ginian ga ada heroine yang mengganggu ada lawan setara mc+kejam
En toda la puta novela siempre dice webchat y esa mierda, ya eso es un puto fastidios no vale la pena
once wonderful
Hmm it's kind of bizzare novel in my opinion. Unless you are of really radicalised view then it's kind of not for you. I don't want to be the guy who is judging the author based on his main character choices but main character here has kind of God complex. Actually it's not the main character but the narration by author is kind of narcissistic and is a big turn off for me. Haven't got past 10 chs tbh but judging from the pace, there is a sadism attached to the main character here. In just 10 chs, we already see him trying to break 2 people up. Ofcourse the reason is that cause he has to break the relationship between these two to decrease it's luck value for weird reason. I don't see how that's any relevant here even by fantasy logic. The entire Mary tsu isn't exactly helping either. Although author definitely is sure of what he is making, he is making a cold hearted main character which isn't something I would hate but all that women stealing is kind of weird flex i am noticing. I am still reading this but let's see if this whole girl stealing Fiasco gets over or not.
Another trash agree I keep thinking this protagonist hunting mc will actually focus I'm killing them but no useless humiliation AMD mc talent here is recognizing treasur3s so talking that away makes sense if qnything having women is a weakness so they are just making protagonist and their character better or 2hat?