[Crônicas de Gelo e Fogo Doujin]
Crossing tornou-se o rei dos Ândalos, dos Roinas e dos ancestrais, o governante legal dos Sete Reinos e o guardião de todo o território, o “Verdadeiro Dragão” Viselis Targaryen III.
- Descrição do MTLNovels
Título Curto | : | GOTWSD |
Título Original | : | 权游:睡龙之怒 |
Status | : | Completed |
Autor | : | Purple Taro Ice Cream |
Capítulos Recentes
Chapter 79 Eamon 2023-08-03 13:25:36 Chapter 78 Zhu Shen 2023-08-03 13:25:34 Chapter 77 nuclear explosion 2023-08-03 13:25:33 Chapter 76 Divine power crystal 2023-08-03 13:25:31 Chapter 75 Humanity 2023-08-03 13:25:28
Todos os capítulos
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 1000
Chapter 1001 - 1250
Chapter 1251 - 1261
Avaliações (78)
78 vote(s)
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Need recommendation of game of thrones fanfiction with big harem but without MC being cucked like this one MC is cucked by arianne haveing sex with womens
Who XUYING????
XU ying? Aren't he the protagonist of novel "Snow eagle Lord"?
Inicio tan bien, y termino tan mal, tremenda decepción después del capítulo 900, ya no tenía sentido nada....
Confirmo amig@.Eso de que Viseris se convirtiera en lo que ya sabemos me parece demasiado apresurado, ¿donde quedo la ambicion de formar el imperio más fuerte?, ¿donde quedo el espiritu aventurero de ir al extremo este o viajar al infierno verde?.El autor desecho la esencia del protagonista en pro de un poder superior. Tolere el pesimo romanse y espere una eternidad para leer la muerte del nicromante para que me salgan con esa vale la pena. there you will find some of the best novels of GOT AND ASOIAF also a world that combines both or other worlds like harry potter or other stories also harem stories are kept to minimum but they do exist
The plot for the first 300 chapters is linear and not very detailed but plausible and interesting but subsequently the story becomes a succession of victories for the protagonist and his allies, it seems that those who are allies are blessed with luck and the others are idiots. moreover the magical power of the protagonist should have much more limits, we are in the world of game of thrones, magic is not common nor is it so explicit. I think it's a wasted beginning of the plot. as a rating I would give it 2.5/5.
Magic in GOT was rare because it died out, while in this novel it bounced back much faster.