Centenas de anos atrás, a terra começou a rejuvenescer, os animais vegetais começaram a sofrer mutações em grandes quantidades e as armas térmicas humanas falharam. Com o esforço de gerações, os humanos descobriram que também podem sofrer mutações, e o cérebro despertará as medalhas e guardará as bestas espirituais para resistir. Todos os tipos de bestas espirituais se adaptam a esta era de grandes mudanças.
Com as contribuições dos ancestrais, com a era atual dos animais de estimação, todos podem testar se têm a possibilidade de se tornar um mestre de animais de estimação depois de atingirem os quatorze anos. Essa é uma das maneiras mais eficazes de quebrar a hierarquia. Aqueles que não podem se tornar um mestre de animais de estimação podem considerar se tornar um guerreiro e também podem ter o poder de resistir às bestas espirituais quando forem bem-sucedidos. Você também pode se tornar um evolucionista e seguir a rota auxiliar, e os mestres serão famosos em todo o mundo. Estas são as três direções principais da sociedade………
Uma batalha para cultivar mestres de animais de estimação reais começou, e o dragão será hidratado na situação de mudança, agitando a situação
- Descrição do MTLNovels
Título Curto | : | GPM |
Título Original | : | 全球宠兽师 |
Status | : | Dropped |
Autor | : | Cold City Aibei |
Gênero | : | |
Weekly Rank | : | #6655 |
Monthly Rank | : | #6117 |
All Time Rank | : | #3570 |
Tag | : | Arrogant Characters, Beast, Beast Companions, Beast tamer, Cultivation, Discrimination, Eye Powers, Male Protagonist, Monster Tamer, Nationalism, Pet, Racism, Weak Protagonist, See edit history |
Capítulos Recentes
Chapter 455 Fast progress, ranked now 2022-02-01 22:50:26 Chapter 454 Trial progress bar accelerated 2022-02-01 22:50:25 Chapter 453 Fire Origin Trial 2022-01-06 22:12:03 Chapter 452 Fire Spirit 9-story Tower World (Happy Holidays, friends!) 2021-12-31 22:06:12 Chapter 451 Fire beads into the body, refine the inside 2021-12-27 22:14:35
Todos os capítulos
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 482
Esta crítica do romance
Bab 102 Stupid mc ni even want to use talent only to exchange resources
2.5 STARS ! Let's go for points! I read up to chapter 290! I couldn't read any more. 1 - Let's go for the good points! 1.1 -I like the Mc having few beasts, and the creativity of the 3 beasts. 1.2 - Names of the beasts! 2 - Negative points! 2.1 - Boring history, until chapter 290, almost no action happens. I couldn't read it anymore, it's boring! 2.2 - The author did not use the plot, such as city invasions, beast wars. Until chapter 290, which I read, which I couldn't stand to read anymore, is participating in championships. Since the story portrays that on the front lines soldiers are fighting to protect the people. 2.3 - ( LEVEL BEASTS) - Chapter 290 - The beasts of the MC are already in the lower Diamond(Rank Beasts, "black iron, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, star, king, epic"). WTF? It is portrayed in the story that after diamond comes star, king, epic! Mc climbed 6 layers in 3 years WTF? There is no healthy growth of monsters, the journey from academy to college, the growth of beasts is totally unbalanced. It totally lost its grace! 2.4 - No romance! A story without romance, in my eyes, has no life. The MC's life boils down to literally waking up, Mom prepares the food, goes training, goes to the grow room, comes back home to Mom heats the food! It doesn't have to be a harem but the excellency of funny conversations and fun situations.
Super boring. The mc is just an emotional idiot who just keeps on saying he has to train harder to become stronger but well loses at final point every single time even though the opponent is same level as him. I don't see him doing extra training or using his talents anywhere to become stronger, he does what others do, how do you expect him to become stronger than others.. It's all pure BS
Terakhir baca 104. Tapi banyak yang keskip.|| Cukup bagus.| Tapi. Saat baca nih novel perasaan yang dibawa kayak tulisan ini " Ini kursi. Ini kursi terbuat dari kayu. Ini kursi dengan sandaran tangan. Ini kursi dengan 4 kaki. Ini kursi ada di ruang tamu."|sebenarnya cukup "ini kursi" |Sebenarnya gak ada yang salah. Tapi, terasa bertele-tele. Yang membuat males membacanya|| . Ya mungkin karena buku pertama penulis kali ya.|