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Harry Potter’s Defense Professor

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Veja a guerra bruxa da perspectiva dos participantes –

O professor Gilderoy Lockhart, professor do segundo ano de Defesa Contra as Artes das Trevas em Harry Potter, recuperou a memória da trama.

E quebrou com sucesso a lendária maldição da posição e foi reeleito.

Não siga o desenvolvimento do enredo da obra original, seja rigoroso, não lave e não preto, e tenha uma orientação normal

Veja como um jovem professor ensina e educa as pessoas e passa pelo batismo para se tornar uma verdadeira espinha dorsal da Ordem da Fênix

O novo livro “Dragon Slayer Who Guards the World” começou a ser carregado. É uma história de aventura da segunda geração do protagonista.

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:HPDP
Título Original:哈利波特的防御术课教授
Autor:Uncle Zhang 01
Weekly Rank:#316
Monthly Rank:#852
All Time Rank:#5967
Tag:Harem, Harry Potter, Lolicon, Transmigration,
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26 comentários sobre “Harry Potter’s Defense Professor
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  1. likes many little girls and oc pandora; mc becomes hysterical after harry messes up plans to kill Barty Crounch Jr; story progresses stupidly fast in 40 chapters goes from 2nd book to 4th; MC is arrogant conceited traverser who believes nothing can ever go wrong and when it does he throws a temper tantrum letting others suffer from his own incompetence. 1/5

  2. It’d be cool if they did something here where they played off what the gilderoy in the books did because in some fanfics they have it where he does know more or these things that he claims to have down like create a spell to reverse werewolfism is something you can track leads on etc.

  3. Can any one give me a novel where there is only one Female lead and the heroine is Luna Lovegood? Please Help me!!

  4. This novel is fast than train 🚆 . I never read hp fan-fiction cross hp 2 and 3 season in just 5-6 chapter.

  5. Harry Potter + Chinese author = disgusting harem fanfic trash (not all Chinese authors but most of them)

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