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I Don’t Dislike Him For Being Ugly and Poor

Cover I Don’t Dislike Him For Being Ugly and PoorCover I Don’t Dislike Him For Being Ugly and Poor
4.4 (7 Avaliações)
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Jin Shushu sentia que não era uma pessoa comum desde que era jovem. Quando ela crescer, ela definitivamente será capaz de levar adiante sua carreira mágica, alcançar o auge de sua vida e se casar com um homem rico e bonito!

Os sonhos colidiram com a realidade, sua casa foi demolida, sua equipe de magia foi dissolvida, apenas cinquenta yuans sobraram para ela e... ela nasceu com cegueira facial.

Felizmente, ela também tem uma assistente inseparável que a acompanha para comer pãezinhos no vapor e beber água fria para realizar seus sonhos. Ela decidiu que embora ele fosse pobre e feio, ela era cega e pobre e não se importava com isso.

O vencedor da vida que nasceu com colher de ouro e não entendeu os sofrimentos do mundo acabou de sair do carro e foi pego por uma mulher. A mulher suspirou e disse: “Bem, você receberá um aumento salarial de duzentos. Não desanime. Com certeza conseguiremos superar isso”

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Título Curto:IDDH
Título Original:我不嫌弃他又丑又穷
Weekly Rank:#9400
Monthly Rank:#9637
All Time Rank:#9427
Tag:Beautiful Female Lead, Female Protagonist, Modern Day, Older Love Interests,
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7 vote(s)

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14 comentários sobre “I Don’t Dislike Him For Being Ugly and Poor
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  1. @mtl please, can you translate everyone loves me: dont force to reveal my identity

  2. haello everyone important info for users who have joined our discord server or who have not joined This week's #requestnovel channel will be open at 10:00 GMT + 8 until 20:00 GMT + 8 Channel requests will be open once every 2 weeks to keep the distribution of novel types evenly distributed, and what you should know that mtl does not all take from your requests during that batch mtl also searches on other sites to see good ratings and votes. We will send a DM if the novel you asked for is problematic and cannot be up-dated on mtl. Make sure for discord users not to complain if they are late in making requests! thanks -admin sasa

  3. @mtlnovel Please translate "Because I'm afraid of pain, I have full defense"

  4. Blind female lead who thinks that her assistant(ml) is ugly and poor, but is actually a big shot. Well that is the summary, haven't started reading yet.

  5. And it digs deeper. That's why I'm so confused with everything. Lmao. I'm 20 chapters away from the ending but I can't even say that I enjoy reading this.

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