Segundo a lenda:
Demônios podem se transformar em seres humanos, se esconder na multidão e escolher pessoas para devorar.
“Bebi o vento, engoli a areia e percorri o mundo sob as nuvens.”
Dian Wei engoliu a comida gulosa de um só gole e ficou mais forte novamente. Ele levantou o martelo de corrente de um bilhão de libras em sua mão, e seus olhos estavam calmos e distantes.
- Descrição do MTLNovels
Título Curto | : | IHSP |
Título Original | : | 我有六个外挂 |
Status | : | Dropped |
Autor | : | God damn |
Capítulos Recentes
Chapter 457 king of shadows 2022-04-23 07:13:13 Chapter 456 Ascension to heaven 2022-04-20 07:23:06 Chapter 455 500 Years of Pure Yin Qi 2022-04-16 07:19:26 Chapter 454 5 seconds real man 2022-04-13 07:16:45 Chapter 453 Qiao Lingyu has grown bigger 2022-04-11 07:20:22
Todos os capítulos
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 473
Avaliações (24)
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Esta crítica do romance
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Does anyone how much f*cking 1 billion ponds weigh And why tf these authors keep forgetting about weight and length criteria F*cking million miles billion pounds
Does anyone know what happen to Mr Qin.
Does anyone know what happened to mr Qin.
Does anyone know what happened to Mr Qin
Ah how I wish I could slap the author in his face for ruining this great novel, it's GOT all over again since he's writing a new novel, post chap 400 is rushed and not thought out at all. Ah how sad, a favorite pissed on by it's Creator. Woe onto the sad lovers of this novel deceived by the food start.