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King of Industry

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Conhecido como o mais jovem engenheiro sênior de nível acadêmico, Zhao Guoyang renasceu na década de 1990. Nesta era de globalização económica, com a sua extraordinária sabedoria e insights extraordinários, ele criou um milagre após o outro e tornou-se um nome que chocou o mundo!

A sabedoria é condensada em cada pedacinho, o brilho é criado pelo suor e testemunhe a ascensão de um grande poder!

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:KI
Título Original:工业之王
Weekly Rank:#4731
Monthly Rank:#1005
All Time Rank:#5139
Tag:Business Management, Clever Protagonist, Engineer, Family, Industrialization, Male Protagonist, Nationalism, Past Plays a Big Role, Playboys, Rebirth, Second Chance, Slow Growth at Start,
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  1. Kebanyakan bacot kapan besarin perusahaan atau buat perusahaan kalo kebanyakan bacot gitu ,ampir mau chapter 200 belum ada kemajuan sama sekali, gak cocok qma title king industri kalo modal bacot mah Jangan baca buang² waktu thx

  2. 350+ chapter and still the same shit, i would like to guess author ain't much of an industialist,he knew the general stuff . but not so detailed and technical(doesn't want to do research) prob factory worker...(let's be honest those researcher that know their shit ain't gonna wrote a novel) , so the future he envisioned includes a lot of yapping yadda yadda, and showing of his future knowledge which meant looking down on other country(mostly asian)... and the mc looked down on south korea "national pride" , what a total hypocrite.

  3. Its basicly becoming Advisor / Researcher and Little to do With Business & Industrial Layout . Not An Good Businessman but Good At Industrial Layout for overall

  4. can someone recommend a novel about immortal cultivation but the way to immortality is controlled by bugs... i forgot the name of novel about mc with system, his task is to clean up his own sect controlled by bugs...

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