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My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea

Cover My Mind Goes Straight To the SeaCover My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea
4.6 (22 Avaliações)
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Esta é a história de uma tribo marinha que vive uma vida discreta em terra.

Ela entra e sai livremente no mar e fala sobre ideais e vida com o bebê do oceano quando tem algo para fazer e ocasionalmente muda de atitude para estudar a grande questão de como o clã do mar e os seres humanos prosperam.

Ela domina uma espécie de tecnologia negra, que pode fundir a alma do bebê do oceano com objetos e transformá-lo em um celular, um computador, um ipad…

Celular do vovô Tartaruga: dê-me uma rede e serei onipotente.

Carro elétrico da baleia assassina: coloque-me em um boneco e posso fingir ser o Deus da mountain bike Qiu Ming.

Ipad Clownfish: Não consigo evitar ser viciado em dramas de ídolos. A partir de hoje, sou um fã incondicional de ídolos. Huh? Quem é meu ídolo?

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:MMGSTS
Título Original:我的脑洞直通大海
Autor:Snow Ghost
Weekly Rank:#9618
Monthly Rank:#7750
All Time Rank:#9325
Tag:Female Protagonist,
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22 vote(s)

Esta crítica do romance



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14 comentários sobre “My Mind Goes Straight To the Sea
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  1. Woah. Hehehe. This is the first time I read a hermaphrodite protagonist and boy oh boy. I didn't regret it at all. It was a little bit funny and cute? The ML and The MP are cute together.

  2. I already ready read My Corpse is Bohemian written by this author and it's a nice story. I want to try this one too.

  3. This is my second time reading the story of this author and all of them were a nice story, a cute love story. The only flaw I have seen was that the author didn't clearly wrote about the heroine past. How did she came? How old is she? Where did she came from? What happened in the past and what is her true form? The author only wrote that the mermaid is a part of the sea clan and she, as a pure blooded sea clan what is she? I also have a question to ask about the first book like what is the origin of 'life and death book?' But well, all in all it's a nice story.

  4. OMG I have read the other 2 stories of the same author, and I found it so good. So let’s try this one!

  5. "The Woman who Became the “Male” God" this novel is also written by this Author.

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