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Non-famous Actor

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Sr. Sun Hao, por favor, apresente-se brevemente!

Hmm… como devo dizer isso?

Deve-se dizer que, entre os escritores, sou o melhor cantando; entre os músicos, sou o melhor em atuação; entre os atores, sou o melhor na direção; entre os diretores, sou o mais bonito…

No que diz respeito à nossa aparência, não importa se é Xiaogang Yimou Kaige na China ou Cameron Spielberg em Hollywood, uma palavra, são mortes instantâneas!

Uh… Sr. Sun, deixe-me lembrá-lo fracamente, “Seckill” parece ter duas palavras! ?

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:NFA
Título Original:非著名影帝
Autor:Want to drink cold water for fear of clogging teeth
Weekly Rank:#6042
Monthly Rank:#6314
All Time Rank:#8588
Tag:Entertainment, Handsome Male Lead, Male Protagonist, Showbiz,
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12 comentários sobre “Non-famous Actor
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  1. requesting novel "surviving in the last days of america". Background story of the trending drama and game series "the last of us" and the good news is very very few nationalism or chinanumbenone. Come on give it a chance.

  2. Does anyone out there know other sites that works? I follow 4 sites but lately I'm just choosing bad work, nothing to read

  3. Ok non Famous means not know by many people so Did the author really understand what does mean before writing his novel?

  4. Chinese authors are brainless. don't waste time trying to find justifications for their actions

  5. when I see such titles I always ask myself if there was a problem in the translation or I just don't I understand the deep meaning behind it but most of the time it's just some talentless writers using inconsistent title, summary and plots

  6. I think it's about mc previous life. he was a "non-famous actor" that deceived people..

  7. Most Chinese authors doesn't know : non-famous, lowkey, not arrogant, selfless, responsibility and compassion.

  8. The facts are, I can't imagine the thinking of most Chinese if among them there is so rarely a good writer who knows the meaning of these words.

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