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One-click Practice for Millions of Levels

Cover One-click Practice for Millions of LevelsCover One-click Practice for Millions of Levels
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“Ding! Anfitrião, por favor, acalme-se!”

“Ding! Anfitrião, por favor, coloque os tijolos em suas mãos!”

“Ding! Anfitrião, sei que está errado, concordo com todas as suas condições!”

O que fazer se o sistema não for obediente? A resposta de Jiang Zhou é, pegue a furadeira e dê um tiro na cabeça!

- Descrição do MTL


Título Curto:OCPML
Título Original:一键修炼百万级
Autor:Bingding Southern Fire
Weekly Rank:#5227
Monthly Rank:#8609
All Time Rank:#7300
Tag:System, Transmigration,
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44 vote(s)

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  1. So funny this If you don't let me be awesome, I will really hit you!" Jiang Zhou held a brick in his hand and made the appearance of smashing the system. The system also wants to cry without tears. It has heard that humans have acquired the system, and they all regard the system as a treasure, but how is the current situation different?

  2. Survey: Does reading machine translated novels affects you grammar and lexicon? Does it improve or it got worst? Please answer the question honestly. Thank you

  3. After reading MTL for over half a year, I can say with certainty that it affected me significantly. Prior to this, my vocabulary was vast and my thinking process was fast. Now, I felt that at least 15% of my vocabulary disappeared, and I would have to think for a long time in order to choose the right words. Often times, I have to pick a word with similar meaning and google its synonyms to find the word I want.

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