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Pastoral Daily Life

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Lu Lingxi morreu.

Como uma criança nascida por seus pais através de correspondência genética precisa, por dezoito anos de sua vida, ele viveu inteiramente para seu irmão, que tinha leucemia. Ele era a sombra de seu irmão, um “banco de reserva de remédios” para as necessidades de tratamento de seu irmão.

Sangue do cordão umbilical, células-tronco, medula óssea... sempre que seu irmão precisasse, ele não teria escolha a não ser ficar quieto na mesa de operação.

Até a última vez, quando seu irmão precisou de um rim e ele nunca saiu da mesa de operação.

Quando ele abriu os olhos novamente, Lu Lingxi se tornou um adolescente com o mesmo nome Lu Lingxi.

Liberto das algemas de seu destino, ele possui a misteriosa habilidade de se comunicar com as plantas.

Cultivando flores, cuidando do jardim e administrando uma fazenda, Lu Lingxi começa uma vida muito diferente!

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Título Curto:PDL
Título Original:田园日常[重生]
Autor:Li Song Ru
Weekly Rank:#1520
Monthly Rank:#2231
All Time Rank:#3146
Tag:Devoted Love Interests, Doting Love Interests, Druids, Familial Love, Family, Family Conflict, Farming, Hard-Working Protagonist, Heartwarming, Hidden Abilities, Male Yandere, Modern Day, Obsessive Love, Older Love Interests, Pets, Quiet Characters, Store Owner, Tragic Past, Transmigration,
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  1. In ranks of topic, this novel is about: 1. Improving the environment of the world. /// 2. Yan Yue(top) and Lu Lingxi(bot)'s lovey dovey relationship wherein it's almost like a loyal mentally ill stalker and a pure white mature lamb. /// 3. Developing healthy relationships, lifestyle, and career even though being surrounded by toxic people by keeping a principled viewpoint in life and learning to cut them off from your life. /// The idea is great and all, but some scenes are quite lengthy that I had to multitask reading and playing to not drop out of boredom. /// Not that it's bad, but some scenes are dragging and... The excitement level is lost and I lost desire to read. /// Aside from that, it's a great read and all. I enjoyed the extras very much and I like that they peirced the window paper early on and the only problems they had was their 9-YEAR AGE GAP wherein MC's parents are a bit reluctant to it. /// Also, I wish I could explore more about the panel, it's existence quite significant but I feel like it's not.... Quite... Like, it's lacking something.....

  2. Кто нибудь может мне посоветовать роман ABO???

  3. hello, can someone help me a title of this novel? he is a male lead and have a system, i know that tje first cahp is about a male lead is a second rich generation and he dont want to inherit but he voluntree to be a fire fighter. his sister shedule a blind date on the way but before he went to his blind date he encounter a emergency a high building with a fire so our male lead to the rwacue and this is a beginning a system a wake and the first package is master free hand climbing mountain so he need to clim a high billboard to jump nearest balcony of byilding and then he clim. so this is what i re call. because my phone restart so i forgot what title is this. about a fire fighter to the rescue, like flood, fire encounter, etc with that system his strenght is stronger to stronger. thanks

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