“Ah, que mundo maldito, não é, Barrett.”
Lockes encostou-se na parede quebrada, olhou para o céu noturno e disse sem alegria ou tristeza nos olhos.
- Descrição do MTLNovels
Título Curto | : | PSV |
Título Original | : | 海贼之虚空之座 |
Status | : | Hiatus |
Autor | : | Eleventh |
Gênero | : | |
Weekly Rank | : | #3329 |
Monthly Rank | : | #3620 |
All Time Rank | : | #2718 |
Tag | : | Accelerated Growth, Early Romance, Fan-fiction, Kingdom Building, Male Protagonist, Marriage, One Piece, Pregnancy, Transmigration, Weak to Strong, See edit history |
Capítulos Recentes
Chapter 302 trapped beast 2022-01-28 09:14:52 Chapter 301 chaos 2022-01-28 09:14:50 Chapter 300 surrounded 2022-01-27 01:16:38 Chapter 299 Navy plan 2022-01-27 01:16:37 Chapter 298 The gathered Shichibukai 2022-01-27 01:16:36
Todos os capítulos
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 312
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Lama sekali hiatus
ada gak fanfiction, dimana mc sebagai blackbeard atau villain lainnya?
author messed up the timeline and the character's age. how tf Shanks and Buggy have become Roger's crew in 1486?
Il le sont devenu en 1483
update, please.
I try to post but page didnt load after 5 minutes so here is a third post. Many soldier die fighting in history especially when they are in position of power, or they are in command of something. Hell, even some ship captains die together with a sinking ship even if they can escape. It is a form of responsibility. One with a responsibility dont grovel on feet of enemy because it can mean loss of morale of whole troops and cause more deaths to them. This author is a damb fk with superior attitude, getting hard on from people groveling to MC.