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Rebirth as a Cooking God

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Em sua morte, ele fez um grande desejo, preferindo comer a comida até que o falecido Xia Yu chegasse a um mundo de espírito de alabarda que o tornava completamente estranho.

O quê, o deus da culinária?

“Você tem que satisfazer não apenas o apetite dos humanos normais, mas também de todos os tipos de demônios, fantasmas que andam à noite, usando a comida para influenciá-los!”

O velho disse tão friamente para ele.

Então, Xia Yu correu na estrada do deus da culinária.

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Título Curto:RACG
Título Original:重生日本当厨神
Autor:Thousand Revolutions Z
Weekly Rank:#9435
Monthly Rank:#4137
All Time Rank:#1470
Tag:Chefs, Cooking, Fan-fiction, Fanfiction, Harem, Nationalism, Racism, System, System Administrator,
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  1. This is good if you exclude the 'oOoo0oo0ooOOoOo wow I'm reborn in Japan and not only that on FOOD WAAARSSS let's shine The Chinese Food of the Great Motherland long live!!!!!!. Amaaaazinggg! the Mysterious Great land of China where the Myths and Legends live no no no you can't enter China because it's the HEAVEAN of FOOOOOOOD'that about sums it up the amount of BS this author keeps on making china sounds as like because this novel also is a fan fic of Toriko who would have known let's steal it and make it Chinese. lol oh God my head hurts reading and putting up with this much of BS in a fan fic.

  2. i read somewhere that if Author didn't add nationalism or racism plot, the novel will get ban from china and Author will lose his job

  3. This is average compared to US novels and drama series nowadays. US drama MUST include at least 40% Black actors, there can be no White male and female couples, there MUST be gay people in the drama. Chinese people in the drama? fuck off with that chink garbage acting. Compared to Chinese novels potraying nationalism it is a normal matter in chinese translated novels.

  4. is pretty annoying when its so unnecessary to include like in multiverse of madness if you've seen

  5. I know it's normal i can read this kind of novel everytime,but you also must feel that actually what makes this nationalism bad is the author use the same sentences and plot over and over again that makes you eventually tired just want to skip that part.It's just like i say want to keep low but the plot just repeted over and over with the same sentences "i just want to keep low"

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