Em 1889, um menino nasceu no Palácio Peres, na Romênia, onde o mundo se transformou em uma bifurcação.
(Se houver muitos países grandes, pode ser interessante ver como um país pequeno cresceu desde a Primeira Guerra Mundial até a Segunda Guerra Mundial)
- Descrição do MTLNovels
Título Curto | : | RE |
Título Original | : | 罗马尼亚雄鹰 |
Status | : | Dropped |
Autor | : | Baked buns with butter |
Capítulos Recentes
~ 1 letter to readers 2021-04-29 01:24:24 Chapter 805 Battle of the Middle East (5) 2021-04-29 01:24:23 Chapter 804 Battle of the Middle East (4) 2021-04-29 01:24:21 Chapter 803 Battle of the Middle East (3) 2021-04-29 01:24:20 Chapter 802 Battle of the Middle East (2) 2021-04-29 01:24:19
Todos os capítulos
Chapter 1 - 250
Chapter 251 - 500
Chapter 501 - 750
Chapter 751 - 824
Avaliações (48)
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The mcs character is terrible he is a treacherous coward who bites the hand that feeds him and betrays his family for greed. One of the worst mcs ever.
Politics... He did qhat he needed to do. Are u gonna died along side the crazy emperors?
There is this sort of charm of a ruthless and apathetic MCs that made me stay.
Is it starting again?
My fisrt European history novel.i like it
Mine was Holy Roman Empire which what got me into mtl and eventually reading Novels, afterwards i pretty much fell into alternate history stories and from there it expanded to all kinds of stories
Ceritanya awalnya ngebosenin, tapi pas masuk scene perang dunia 2 ceritanya makin menarik. Sayang sekali penulisnya berhenti menulis