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Start With a Super Villa

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A anfitriã perguntou: “Por que você é tão rico?”

“Tudo do locatário”

“Então, quantas casas você tem?”

“Só tenho um conjunto”

“Se você tem uma casa, quantos inquilinos você pode ter?”

“Provavelmente centenas de milhares”


Yunfan, que originalmente era um peixe salgado, de repente adquiriu uma super villa. A vila era livre para adicionar e expandir à vontade. Solicite inquilinos o quanto quiser e um prédio imponente se erguerá sem saber!

- Descrição do MTL


Título Curto:SWSV
Título Original:开局从一栋超级别墅开始
Autor:Cat catching tiger
Weekly Rank:#3652
Monthly Rank:#1253
All Time Rank:#851
Tag:Antihero Protagonist, Arrogant Characters, Cautious Protagonist, Cooking, Evil Organizations, Gate to Another World, Interdimensional Travel, Late Romance, Lawyers, Male Protagonist, Nationalism, Pets, Shameless Protagonist, Sudden Wealth, Younger Sisters,
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52 comentários sobre “Start With a Super Villa
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  1. I think I'm going to drop this. MC here have some serious IQ issues and some mental problems. Or author just don't know how to write a good MC With this system abilities and opportunities MC can become a genius and build a business empire if he wants, considering author wrote MC as a money fan but here we are with a MC who don't use his brain.

  2. Are you drunk?, even most dump doctor will not smoking in front of his patient yet our mc claiming to be a genius doctor!

  3. Eh.. Courtyard.. Ampe dpt binatang nya jg sama.. Cmn yg itu tupai.. Yg ini kucing..

  4. Tai mc nggak ada harga diri apa? mau aja di sewa buat jadi pacar bohongan baru baca awalannya aja udh buat muntah, emng cita citanya author kalo semisal dpt rmh gitu mau jadi budak ckckcck nyesel buang waktu.

  5. Budak apaan sih cok, pacar palsu aja di sebut budak ckckck. Yah cuman agak kesel ama sifat mcnya

  6. Kebanyakan nonton anime ye bang? Laki normal mah gak bakal mau jadi gigolo

  7. Ending to rush, i think author give up his novel half way because from the begining he create chance to mc get stronger and stronger alth it is slow so i think it will be 2*** chaps until final but it only got 7**.

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