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Supreme Dragon Seal

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Glossário: ​​

Shenlong, uma criatura formada pela energia condensada do céu e da terra.

Selo do dragão, o selo em forma de dragão transformado pelo espírito do dragão.

Qi Bei acidentalmente encontrou uma pedra em forma de dragão e foi esmagado em pedaços pela enorme energia nela, e sua alma viajou por outro mundo.

Inesperadamente, o corpo possuído não estava apenas extremamente fraco, mas também em uma situação desesperadora. Para sobreviver, ele começou a praticar um artigo inexplicável chamado Shenlong Jue em sua mente.

Nove Transformações do Dragão Divino, cada transformação requer uma mulher com a mais alta qualidade yin para reconciliar o yang qi no corpo, caso contrário, o corpo produzirá fogo yang extremo, queimando o corpo e a alma em cinzas

Como resultado, o trágico Qi Bei começou a procurar no mundo mulheres que possuíssem o melhor Yuan Yin e fez o possível para absorvê-las.

Bem, em poucas palavras, este é um ensaio revigorante sobre a busca da beleza e da hegemonia em um mundo diferente. Tem muitos ingredientes, doce e delicioso, gordo mas não gorduroso, seja bem-vindo a provar

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:SDS
Título Original:无上龙印
Autor:Heaven is not lonely
Weekly Rank:#2676
Monthly Rank:#4672
All Time Rank:#6185
Tag:Beautiful Female Lead, Cultivation, Demon, Dragon, Early Romance, First-time Intercourse, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Male Lead, Older Love Interests, R-18, Rape Victim Become Lovers, Romantic Subplot, Sexual Cultivation Technique, Weak to Strong,
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  1. 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐑-𝟏𝟖 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥: 𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐫𝟏𝟖.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  2. terrible mtl, the worst among mtls I've ever read... the inconsistency on names and mix chinese-english names are confusing... some symbols such as period (full stop punctuation) are messed up, make it hard to understand the sentences.

  3. i tried reading it anyway__ a bit challenging but my dao mtl is pretty high, i still understand whats going on__ dropped at ch20 because : "Qi Bei didn't care about this woman, although from her point of view, the decision she made was understandable, but she should be punished for her wrong judgment."__ her (a stewardess of a restaurant) wrong judgment isn't actually wrong, infact it's the best possible way to handle that situation__ she didn't recognize who the mc is, the narration even mention that it's only natural for her to not recognize him__ when a renowned unreasonable young master come and demanding the room the mc's going to (he actually got plausible excuse/lie : he already made reservation yesterday), she's troubled and look at mc for his help/opinion but mc said "what you do is not my bussiness"... so she decide to give the room to the young master (otherwise she'll be in more than just a big trouble) and let mc order anything free of charge (as compensation)__ but apparently that hurts mc's inflated ego. that's why he think her judgment is wrong, bc he is the godamn protagonist with cheat!! he must be treated as a superior being!!

  4. for those wanting to read this because of sypnosis and being harem seeking mc, you shoul think twice... theres nothing new here its just ur usual generic hotblooded xianxia novel but the worldpower is western background....

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