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Supreme Pharmacist System

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4.0 (46 Avaliações)
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Zhou Wen, um veterano amargurado do departamento de biologia, percebeu que estava desempregado após a formatura.

Você não apenas pode ver todos os tipos de DNA e vírus, mas também os atributos e a qualidade dos materiais medicinais e das matérias-primas químicas e, desde então, embarcou no caminho de um mestre farmacêutico.

[Você fez com sucesso as Pílulas Niuhuang Jiedu, a eficácia × 2, o valor de experiência +50]

[Você fez pílulas Liuwei Dihuang com sucesso, eficácia × 3, valor de experiência +50]

[Você fez comprimidos de sildenafil com sucesso, eficácia ×5, valor de experiência +100]

[Ding! Parabéns por se tornar um farmacêutico júnior e obter uma receita de medicamento chinês para o vírus da hepatite B]

[Você fez com sucesso um comprimido de liberação sustentada do vírus da hepatite B, o medicamento está curado, valor de experiência +1000 e um traje de proteção branco…]

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Título Curto:SPS
Título Original:大制药师系统
Autor:Second General
Weekly Rank:#3597
Monthly Rank:#3367
All Time Rank:#2723
Tag:Beautiful Female Lead, Drugs, Farming, Fellatio, Game Elements, Genetic Modifications, Harem, Hospital, Male Protagonist, Medical Knowledge, Modern Knowledge, Modern World, Naive Protagonist, Pharmacist, Polygamy, Poor to Rich, Pregnancy, Scientists, Seeing Things Other Humans Can't, System,
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21 comentários sobre “Supreme Pharmacist System
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  1. 8/10 326/326 Entretiene la mayor parte de la novela,las misiones del sistema están bastante bien,el sistema esta perfecto,realmente recomiendo mucho darle una oportunidad a esta novela,los defectos que personalmente encontré son pocos,aveces puede aburrir por la charla técnica si lo leíste sabras a que me refiero,claro es solo desde mi POV tal vez a ti te guste esa info detallada,otro punto negativo y que realmente espere es la misión de ganar el Rally de Dakar,al parecer al autor se le olvido y el detalle final,el MC y su forma de actuar en el tema pareja,si lo lees sabras a lo que me refiero,pura opinion personal.

  2. P.S I like the novel but the side stories really made me face palm. He became a total scumbag. Still rated 5 though as I can choose not to read the side stories but I did.

  3. My review of this novel would be a good start, the middle part declined a bit and the ending is rushed. But I can feel the author. He can't write anymore so instead of writing meaningless stuff, he chose to end the novel. This novel is very enjoyable to read. There are side stories in the end to not make you feel empty after an abrupt novel. I'd rate this 4.8/5.0 if there was a number rating system

  4. I don't know what's wrong with me lately but whenever I see the phrase "how many young people haven't dreamed of", I get really annoyed and irritated. I've seen that phrase over 20 times in a couple of days. "How many young men doesn't have a martial arts dream" or "how many young man doesn't like cars" etc. I know that it's my problem since Chinese novels are all like that but I still can't help but write this comment here.

  5. I get what you’re saying. I feel like it's forcibly instilling an idea and telling me what I should think. I especially hate when it is used for harems. How many young men don’t want a palace full of beauties? A lot actually.

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