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The Legendary System Dominates the World

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Ocasionalmente, obter um sistema de lendas pode transformar várias lendas do mundo em realidade!

“No Tianchi Tianchi, nasceu um dragão de cinco garras, e o dragão saiu do cardume e foi direto para os nove dias!”

“Nas profundezas de Shennongjia, uma fênix de fogo nasceu e o céu estava cheio de fogo, queimando o céu!”

“Em meio à área proibida de Wudang Houshan, as ruínas de Daochang de Zhang Sanfeng agora estão vivas, permitindo que Wu Dao reapareça no mundo e as lendas se tornem realidade!”

O que acontecerá com o mundo depois que as lendas se tornarem realidade?

- Descrição do soxs


Título Curto:LSDW
Título Original:传说系统之称霸万界
Weekly Rank:#3432
Monthly Rank:#3169
All Time Rank:#3577
Tag:Abusive Characters, Accelerated Growth, Acting, Apathetic Protagonist, Artificial Intelligence, Cruel Characters, Dark, Depictions of Cruelty, Discrimination, Evil Gods, Evil Protagonist, Game Elements, Genetic Modifications, Harem, Interdimensional Travel, Kingdom Building, Legends, Lucky Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Parallel Worlds, Racism, Ruthless Protagonist, Shameless Protagonist, System, System Administrator, Time Travel, World Travel,
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  1. I agree with your opinion, blab. Many chinese novels have arrogant, racism, and fucking protagonist. But I really theirs concept of the story. Many chinese authors think theirs culture or country are really OP. They think their country is strong in their view and try to write a story that belittles the opinions of other countries in their opinion. There are even those who make the protagonists make their country as if they are hostile to the whole world. Luckily this is only a novel. In fact that authors like them are just a shit fucking child!

  2. I mean every country is the same seeing as western countries push for gays and you can't really blame the author if they praise their country in every chapter a good example is reverend insanity see where it got him 😅 but as long as they make good quality work we can ignore the nationalism 😂 💯

  3. Well I didn't read the story but i'd just like to say that a country in real life which really has most of the world against it and is treated cruelly yet it's people are still defending after children being murdered and massacred and multiple genocides have happened a wall that surrounds them and locks the people to die of air-strikes is gaza and the palestinan people and also but not locked by a wall is palestine obviously I do not recognize the fake apartheid terrorist organization called israel as why am I saying this it's because they are doing what hitler did to them to us palestinians even worse by taking our land too when we were the only country in the world that took them in as refugee's this has been proven these are facts anyways just to let people know only 32 countries do not recognize israel as a state and the rest of the world does and they do support them in the U.N in their massacres of children and even the countries that do support the palestinian resistance are only a single country out of the 32 in arms or money they are iran sadly anyways that is a country that can be said to have enemies with most of the world we are not the problem we just want our land back and our basic human rights of returning to our homes I love this website and I have seen alot of people who hate injustice so I just thought of pouring my heart out here since light novels are the release of my depression and sorry to everyone whom I have soured there eyes by letting you see or read this long message. May you all have a blessed life.

  4. Oh last detail the united states of america give out each year 3.8 billion dollars out of the tax money to support their army but since 1948 and we are still standing although beaten up but still resisting agaisnt not just israel but it's allies the 161 countries supporting it #freepalestine#savegaza#savesheikhjarrah

  5. lol not sure if clueless or zealot. Except both type of Palestinian that mentioned before, everybody and their grandma knows that the idiot hamaz and fatah tug of war for power is the actual cause of misery for civilian people in Palestine. Before israel claimed the land as the war trophy after win the war against aprox 6 arab countries at the same time, Palestine don't have land in that area. some arab countries that claimed to be a friend of today Palestine didn't give a damn back then and don't want to give any piece of land for Palestine. Why at that time there are No Palestinian asking for land to Egypt, lebanon, uae, Jordania and whatever arab country that own current land in Israel for the Palestine? That's because it wasn't Palestine land in the first place. When Israel claimed the land and win against the weak ass arab coalition, then suddenly Palestinian has the audacity to claim that it was their land. Why not fight the arab coalition and claimed the land itself? too coward perhaps? So why Palestine had the guts now? no they don't. They cowardly attack israel behind Palestinian civilians shield and perfectly know that israel will not retaliate with full force. Hamas and Fattah use human rights to international eyes and also use "religion" to instigate hate against israel from islam countries. Guess what, it doesn't work as intended. I am Muslim and from country with muslim majority but we sane people here didn't give a damn about hamas and fattah greed to occupy israel. We however care about collateral victims and sent some help (food and medical stuff) multiple times. I my self donated part of my salary couple times to the humanitarian organization that sent medicine, and even volunteering my self as a physician couple years ago to gaza with doctor without border organization so I know what actually happened there with my own eyes. I even operated on a gun shot victim one time to a father who trying to defend his daughter from hamas gunman that trying to rape her. Guess what, hamas actually published that said guy was shoot by Israeli soldier. Civilian Palestine will only able to live peacefully if hamas and fattah stop playing victim and actually trying to resolve the conflict between them first, and try the mutual symbiosis life with israel as proposed by fattah.

  6. Almost all chinese novel are same there is always racism, discrimination, bloody path, arrogant, stupidity, narrow thinking. I believe china is communist country where people cannot enjoy their rights. Life of common people and their decision are on the hands of businessman, government because of these they dont know true meaning of love, freedom, family, friend etc. As you can read almost in all of chinese novel/or manga when writer wants to write it as comedic or love like novel mc deeds shows he is stupid which is irritating. I think it is like writer him/herself doesnot know true meaning of freedom and love; how can he write about it?? Its pitiful //

  7. lol I deeply agreed. I grew tired on their bullshits specifically pointing on the antagonist's narrow mindedness (like hey dude I just saw you glance at me, now I'm going kill you and your whole family),lmao also treating women like playthings just bc you have a background or something similar of such or EVEN you are just a gangster.. and it seems a normal occurrence for them to drug or rape a girl and not afraid of being caught or arrested. then here's our almighty MC and the victim idk why they never thought of reporting it at all. sometimes I wonder if this is really happening on a daily basis in China

  8. Hey i know you love your nation but this is too much. You just use your country culture so powerful but dowgrade other country culture. I mean i like chinese culture but there should not be hatered between you and other. I mean yes there are a LOT OF distputes between china and other state. However this and that are different .The downside of the most chinese novel is their arogrant. I mean in chapter 103 you can just lower the causulities but what did you do. You ruthlessly write the desth of 500000. You hear me 500000 not 5000. Even 5000 is too much. I know what you thinking ( WHAT IS IT JUST WRITING SOMME UNIMOPORTANT sentence. Yes i agree today era is the surival race between big countries but do the soldier has gurge with you. They just followed the order from upper class to protect us.

  9. I agree with your opinion, bud. Many chinese novels have arrogant, racism, and fucking protagonist. But I really theirs concept of the story. Many chinese authors think theirs culture or country are really OP. They think their country is strong in their view and try to write a story that belittles the opinions of other countries in their opinion. There are even those who make the protagonists make their country as if they are hostile to the whole world. Luckily this is only a novel. In fact that authors like them are just a shit fucking child!

  10. He describes the fights as if they were super slow, to the point that even ordinary people can see, he has an entire chapter with only the conversation of the protagonist while the sword is attacking. I didn't like the fights, and the racism goes to the point that the protagonist says "If possible, Chu Lan is planning to plant all ten of them in Shenzhou. But obviously not, because foreigners are also humans, this universe is not the world of novels . Foreigners are not humans, because there are no fairy gods in this world. Fairy gods are legends. Naturally, foreigners are also systematically counted as human beings. If their strength cannot keep up, the universe cannot evolve, so Chu Lan is also helpless. "

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