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The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

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Um antiquário e colecionador de antiguidades traz décadas de experiência no setor, retornando à juventude em meados da década de 1980.

Aí ele descobriu que é muito fácil encontrar uma boa coleção; quanto a fazer fortuna? Desculpe, tenho que ir passo a passo…

(Os morcegos sangrentos voltaram seis anos depois de “Heróis da União Soviética”. Tenho feito negócios com antiguidades há anos, então este livro está ainda mais próximo da realidade, apoio dos Amigos Wangshu.)

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:THAD
Título Original:古董商的寻宝之旅
Autor:Blood Bat
Weekly Rank:#5054
Monthly Rank:#5103
All Time Rank:#3883
Tag:Antique Shop, Arms Dealers, Business Management, Firearms, Harem, Male Protagonist, Poor to Rich, Racism, Sudden Wealth,
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18 comentários sobre “The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer
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  1. After reading 5 chapter I think the story is a bit confusing at times. The writing feels a bit jumpy with the mc doing one thing and then the next second he is doing another with no signs to indicate that the scenes changed and it doesn't help that some words are mistranslated or not translated at all. Overall feeling is that it is somewhat fast paced but lacks details pertaining to the mc's activities and instead all the details are put into describing antiques, which in my opinion are confusing due to poor translation quality.

  2. Read 11 chapters and the quality somewhat improved but the 1st potential harem member has appeared. The mc met a female, the female sees no "kinky" in the mc's eyes but the mc is acting like he has a d*ck for brains.

  3. Chapter repeat/misnumber. Story goes from chapter 865-886 in number and then repeats chapters, resuming at 879. It doesn’t look like any is missing but it’s confusing.

  4. The story begins strong but eventually there is too much description and details about antiques, thought I know the story is titled treasure hunt of antique dealer it is too concentrated and the reader reaches a saturation point. The business elements and other entertainment elements should be more interspersed, to retain reader interest.

  5. If the hiatus tag is true then I don't even want to read this. Nothing worse than reading 2k chapters and for the story not to be finished.

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