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The Winner is King

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Meu nome é Chang Sheng, a vitória geral dos generais, a vitória constante da vitória. O que procuro não é um futebol divertido, mas um futebol que possa vencer. A vitória faz meu sangue ferver. A vitória me faz achar o futebol interessante! Se você odeia ser um perdedor, acho que devemos ter uma linguagem comum. Meu nome é Chang Sheng, esta é a minha história. É também uma história sobre sonhos.

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Título Curto:TWIK
Título Original:胜者为王
Autor:Lin Hai Ting Tao
Weekly Rank:#290
Monthly Rank:#754
All Time Rank:#1804
Tag:Football, Soccer, System,
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16 vote(s)

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11 comentários sobre “The Winner is King
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  1. This is fcking utter nonsense, worst coachong novel from this author. Not realistic at all, just fullfill the ego of this damn old Chinese braindead author

  2. Not realistic but fine novel 2.5/5 the mc is annoying and arrogant most of the time People believe him always and do as he say for weird reasons Spain club give him transfer rights i have never seen Spain club give a manager transfer rights the fights with players in the novel is weird clubs never stand with a player in the youth team when facing a manager The weird bets and media things just straight stupidity even if a team see player as talented and he is not they will try to sign contract then sell him not send him for free after a friendly game gives no proof if the player good or not and you cant judge player from 1 game not the mc because of the system but the other characters

  3. They are just a 2 league team why the media have so much interest in them i feel like the whole novel world just centered around the mc

  4. Most of the novel just copy paste from (the godfather of the champions) if you didn't read it read it better than this novel

  5. Sorry its copy paste from super training master not the godfather of the champions *

  6. This guy is too arrogant and headstrong.this guy delibarately provokes the media saying he is protecting himself.i dont know why chinede authors like faceslapping so much even in a sports novel they include faceslap. Even mourinho is not as crazy as this guy. It is obvious that they will disdain and doubt cause he is too young and does not have the capital for them not to doubt his ability

  7. Penulis sama tapi entah kenapa stylenya beda. Godfather of Champion dan The Winner is the King punya perbedaan plot yang terlalu kontras. Di GOC, alurnya logis dan sesuai dengan kondisi nyata sepakbola. MC-nya juga gak overpowered. Ada kondisi di mana peringkat Klub berada di papan tengah di akhir musim. Bahkan ada musim di mana dia gak dapat piala sama sekali. Di TWIK, meraih treble winner udah kayak minum air putih. Skor final Liga champion bisa sampai 11-0. Anjing, yang bender ajalah.

  8. Banyakin yang kayak gini min yang tentang pelatih sepak bola atau tentang mendirikan club

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