Esta é uma história sobre o protagonista obtendo o sistema, enlouquecendo no apocalipse bioquímico, produzindo aviões e tanques, destruindo zumbis, salvando pessoas boas e matando pessoas más.
- Descrição do MTLNovels
Título Curto | : | WC |
Título Original | : | 废土指挥官 |
Status | : | Ongoing |
Autor | : | Black soil and green smoke |
Capítulos Recentes
Chapter 227 Chip control? Mind control? (Three updates, 2023-09-13 13:15:12 Chapter 226 Within the trading market 2023-09-13 13:15:11 Chapter 225 Throw money! Strength surges! 2023-09-13 13:15:10 Chapter 226 .The last two days at the end of the month, monthly ticket charge! 2023-09-13 13:15:09 Chapter 224 New technology! (Third update, 10,500 monthly tickets plus 2023-09-13 13:15:08
Todos os capítulos
Chapter 1 - 229
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Esta crítica do romance
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I'm looking for a feminine novel. I only remember that it sold cakes or cold pastries in ancient times. Thank you. I hope you find it. It was the first one I read. Greetings.///sos busco una novela femenina solo recuedo que vende tortas o pasteles frios en la antiguedad gracias espero encontralo que fue la primeras que lei saludos
Finally the owner of mtlnovel has returned, we have new novels already 🙏🙏🤯🤯🎉🎉🎉
Sial jika kamu membaca ini maka orang tuamu akan meninggal dalam 5 tahun. Untuk membatalkan kutukan ini Anda harus menempelkan komentar ini di 5 Manga lainnya. Aku sangat menyesal, tolong maafkan aku. Saya tidak ingin mengambil risiko
This site has been aboundon so sad