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Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

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Lutei até os trinta e oito anos e não pude comprar uma casa. Tive que pagar adiantado um presente de trezentos mil para me casar. Vivi frugalmente e frugalmente durante a maior parte da minha vida, até que meu fígado quebrou. Mas onde estava o dinheiro? Quem ganhou o dinheiro?

Jiang Qin, que abrigava inúmeras queixas, renasceu aos dezoito anos. O único pensamento que teve quando abriu os olhos foi abrir um negócio e ganhar dinheiro.

O primeiro passo é pegar de volta a carta de amor que você enviou, virá-la e escrever três linhas nos olhos atônitos da bela da escola:

Você não pode trabalhar por nada e, se puder, pode ficar com uma mulher rica.

Você pode ganhar mais dinheiro se perder, mas pode ganhar mais dinheiro se perder a consciência!

Animais sociais, nunca escravos!

Quanto ao amor? Cachorros nem falam sobre essas coisas!

- Descrição do MTLNovels


Título Curto:WCFILABR
Título Original:都重生了谁谈恋爱啊
Autor:What's wrong
Weekly Rank:#158
Monthly Rank:#161
All Time Rank:#3623
Tag:Beautiful Female Lead, beautiful heroine, Business Management, Businessmen, College/University, Comedic Undertone, Famous Protagonist, Hard-Working Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Modern Day, Poor to Rich, Pregnancy, Rebirth, Second Chance, Slow Romance, Time Travel,
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  1. if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading this.

  2. if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading this.

  3. if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading this.

  4. if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading this.

  5. Sry pls skip if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading this.

  6. Sry if you are reading this that means your parents will die in 5 years to undo this curs you have to past this comment on 5 more manga, I'm am sorry for who ever is reading this.

  7. Can you translate this novel 落榜后,从创办大学开始

  8. Sampai chapter 624 mereka blm pacaran,tapi hubungan mereka terus berkembang🤨📸 walau teman baik tapi udh ciuman dllಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ walaupun ga sampai anu anu

  9. sekedar inpoo chp 647 mereka anu@nu 🤨📸 ୧⁠(⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠Д⁠ ⁠ಠ⁠ ⁠)⁠୨

  10. Ini seharusnya ditaruh romance,, tapi emang halus banget sih romance-nya, gak fokus disitu. Malah lebih fokus ke bisnis si protagonis pria. Cerita ini bagus, fantasinya sedikit tapi memang fokus alur utama bukan di fantasi, namun lebih ke drama universitas dan kehidupan... Semuanya pas sih, sesuai tag aja,,, protagonis pria gak OP banget, cara dia dapatin uang juga logis,, se-logis mungkin... Yang masih bikin penasaran tuh tentang keluarga Feng sih,,,

  11. Lupakan saja. Romance tetap ada, tapi dibungkus sebagai 'persahabatan' oleh Bos Jiang kita yang terhormat. Tapi slow-burn. Dan fluff,,, pokoknya ini cerita yang bagus.

  12. tergantung sih. Kalo gue tetap lanjut sampe sekarang krn lumayanlah dibandingkan cerita dengan plot yang sama. Gak berat, gak terlalu kacau juga tulisannya. Yang gue cari tuh hasil pencapaiannya si protagonis, jadi gak bosenin sih. Coba sabar aja bacanya, mungkin nanti juga lu bisa nikmatin kok

  13. Sama nih gue udh di ch 88, agak bosen jg. Mau lanjut tp penasaran sih tp gue udh tau ini drama MC reborn tp dibalut romance. Pengen lanjut tp takut nyesel jg. Soalnya terbiasa novel system atay urban atau yg plotnya oke. Waktu bebas dikit soalnya wkwk

  14. gpp sih kalo udh mulai bosan, toh ini mmg lebih berat ke romansa dan humor dikit, bisnis juga... Cuma klo bukan penikmat romansa lambat, gak mau rugi krn waktu atau lebih suka novel 'sistem', boleh kok baca yg lain,,, coba 'Scholar Advanced Technology System', ini novel ber-sistem dan genre-nya lebih ke fiksi ilmiah,, romansa hampir gak ada.

  15. Emang urban romance+slowburn itu mudah bikin bosen, tapi ini ceritanya cukup unik dan di qidian popularitasnya lumayan gede.

  16. Menurut gue pribadi yg bikin unik tuh protagonis utamanya, romansa lambatnya, dan awal si protagonis dapetin uang besar sih – unik wkwk,,, protagonis cewe jg cuma satu, dan dia sendiri punya cerita... klo novel dgn gaya yg sama yg ada di pasaran kebanyakan klo gak sistem, ya... harem. Mungkin ada yg bagus,, tapi banyak jg yg alurnya makin panjang, makin ngaco, makin nyebelin,,, bahkan gue sempat dapet novel yg awalnya urban-sistem gitu, tapi lama kelamaan jadi wuxia [cry emot] – gak konsisten. Nah, utk yg cepet bosan sama gak terlalu 'into' romansa, yah... terserah sih mau gimana, tapi klo gue gas aja yg penting review awal bagus dulu awokwok,, ini tergantung ya, gue punya banyak waktu luang soalnya,,, jadi bisa menghabiskan waktu utk membaca dan menunggu update :D

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