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Yishi Yijia

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Aos 18 anos, Lu Yining era uma garota bonita de cabelos curtos que adorava sorrir e que entrou na universidade pela primeira vez. Naquela época, a filha da família Lu faltava a todas as disciplinas eletivas que podia e seguia Tang Mubai para o enfadonho curso de medicina sem falta.

Aos vinte e cinco anos, Lu Yining se formou em uma escola de ponta e fez uma carreira de sucesso na comunidade estrangeira de fotografia. Seu círculo social permaneceu o mesmo por dez anos, mas Tang Mubai é o único que ela evita.

Em poucos anos, rumores sobre Tang Mubai se espalharam por todo o país, um mulherengo que se tornou famoso na área médica aos 26 anos.

Depois de alguns anos, Lu Yining foi ao hospital para saber por um amigo que estava apaixonado por um ginecologista: “Doutor, tenho menstruação irregular, acidez, letargia, sonolência e náusea. Há algo errado?”

O médico ergueu os olhos da espessa massa de casos, revelando um rosto familiar e bonito, seus olhos sombrios e perigosos: “O quê?”

Lu Yining infelizmente caiu da cadeira na primeira reunião depois de muito tempo.

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Título Curto:YSYJ
Título Original:宜室宜家
Weekly Rank:#9244
Monthly Rank:#7786
All Time Rank:#8958
Tag:Female Protagonist, Modern Day,
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13 vote(s)

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  1. Does anyone know this novel?: It was about the protagonist being kidnapped or something like that by the "enemy of her father" and she thinks it's for revenge. I don't remember if an accident happens. Her mother of the protagonist says that she died of depression when she was a baby. The thing is that after the kidnapping or accident, she returns to the past in the school days of her parents and the enemy. She tries to prevent the death of her mother and drive away the villain but she ends up falling in love. They discover that she is the daughter of the boys (parents) and that at some point she will disappear. After solving everything... the parents grow up with her and when they get married... on their honeymoon the protagonist disappears because her mother got pregnant and the protagonist (villain) despairs but waits for her until the time when she supposedly she is kidnapped by him. When the protagonist wakes up, she does not remember anything about time travel, only until the kidnapping and is surprised that her mother is still alive. The protagonist never went to see her at that time so as not to alter anything and just hoped that she would remember him... when she "saw him again" somehow she felt attracted and started to follow him I think. He takes her to a place that only the two of them know and tells her that he is waiting for someone but he does not tell her that it is her. He also saw his company. Obviously she would be older than her by about 20 years. If someone has read it please tell me the nameee, pleaseee.

  2. I just found the extra chapters

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